Web Design in Salisbury. Does location matter?
Published on Wednesday, July 16th 2014 by Aaron Whiffin
When choosing a web designer, does their geographic location matter?
For example, we offer web design in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Will we successfully be able to create and manage a website from further afield? The answer of course is “yes”, let me explain…
It is always nice for a web design agency to meet a client before they start a project. This can be to build a trusting relationship between both parties, and importantly for the web agency to understand the client’s business and establish exactly what is required from the website. This is essential to ensure that the website actually delivers results.
The mutual trust can be gained in many ways, including referrals and introductions. The hardest part with distance is ensuring that client’s business is fully understood. These days we have email, social media, Skype and of course the telephone. If the web agency are competent, do their own research, and ask the client the correct questions, they can achieve a decent understanding of the client’s business, and from here offer a comprehensive solution. The success of the project will hinge on the communication used.
Webbed Feet UK offer web design in Salisbury and the majority of our projects are local to Wiltshire, Somerset, Hampshire and Dorset. But that being said we have plenty of clients around London of whom we have met only once or twice.
We also have several clients that we have never met; this includes one in Scotland who has been a happy customer since 2001, a few in Europe, and one as far away as New Zealand.
Most of our long distance projects have been gained due to recommendations from existing happy customers. It is important that both the web design agency, and their client, have a mutual trust for each other.
So if you’re thinking of using an agency that isn’t local to you, then it can work. Just ensure that they trust you, you trust them, and before you sign anything check that they have understood your brief properly and asked the correct questions.
Webbed Feet UK offers local web design in Salisbury, Wiltshire, through to national and international projects. If you would like to chat about your project, wherever you are, then please get in touch.