Wordpress Updates
Published on Wednesday, July 16th 2014
Since our last Wordpress article there have been several updates to the Wordpress core (https://www.webbedfeet.uk/news/security-of-wordpress-websites-salisbury).
These include 3.6 "Oscar", 3.6.1 a vital security release, 3.7"Basie" which amongst other things automatically updates your installation and an updated password meter, and 3.7.1 containing bug fixes.
Crucially 3.6.1 has vital security releases, so if your version is older than this, and your installation supports it, you should update it.
Please contact your web developer before updating as in some instances it can break your website.
At Webbed Feet UK we do not offer Wordpress websites as standard, we have our own bespoke content management system. That being said, we do work with current Wordpress installations, so if you have a project that needs updating or improving, then please get in touch with our web designers in Salisbury.